Brunei Fire and Rescue Department Official Website

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Police Personnel Completes Fire Marshal Course

20 selected police personnel from various police stations at Brunei Muara District this recently (26 October 2011, Wednesday). They receive their certificates of completion in a function held at the Muara Fire Station.

Present as guest of honour was the Acting Superintendent of Fire Rescue Abd Sufriyan Bin Hj.Abd Hamid, the Deputy Commanding Officer of Operation A. Also present was Assistant Superintendent Police (ASP) Mohd Noor Bin Hj.Abd Rahman the OCS of Muara Police Station, Assistant Superintendent of Fire Rescue (ASFR) Nazri bin Hj.Anuar, Muara Fire Station Commander as well as Station Commanders under Operation A command, fire marshal instructors and the participants.

The event started with speech by the guest of honour Ag.SFR Abd Sufriyan where in his speech he applaud the effort by the police personnel to participate in the course as it can give experience to the participants who possibly in the future can help the department in case of emergencies such as fires. He also touched that from January to August 2011 6,000 participants from various government and non-government agencies had participated in various fire awareness programmes such as fire drills, fire safety talk. He also hoped more participation from the public are expected in the near future.

The fire marshal course is the first time held at the Muara Fire Station and it also help to bind ties between both emergency services namely the Royal Brunei Police Force (RBPF) and Brunei Fire and Rescue Department (BFRD).

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