Brunei Fire and Rescue Department Official Website

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

SR Katok A visit Rimba Fire Station

A group of 75 students and 6 teachers from the Katok A primary school this recently (26 October 2011, Wednesday) held a study visit to the Rimba Fire Station at the Rimba Housing Scheme.

The visit was aimed to increase the awareness of the children on fire safety as well as to expose them to the career of firefighting. Upon arrival at the fire station the visitors were greeted by Station Officer (SO) Norzali Apong, SO Md Ali Hassanal from Rimba Fire Station as well as the Rimba fire station and BFRD Special Squad Personnel.

The visitors then briefed by the officers and personnel at the station of the importance of fire safety especially at their home and school. The students are also briefed on never to misuse or play with matches and lighters as they can cause fire if used carelessly. The station personnel and the Special Squad also demonstrated the high rise building rescue as well as the usage of the firefighting equipment such as fire hoses and water monitor which is used to fight fire at high rise building. Fire engine rides are also held in order to give experience to the students on how firefighters respond to incidents. The visit concluded with light refreshment and group photo session.

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